Kempen / Event
Pokémon TCG 25th Year Exhibition at MY TOWN Shopping Center

Pokémon TCG 25th Year Exhibition @ MyTOWN Shopping Centre
18th - 27th MARCH 2022 (KUALA LUMPUR) | 10AM - 10PM Daily
Activities & Schedules: Please see the images below.
Notice: All activities are daily except:
- TCG Tutorial Session (Fridays to Sundays, 1PM to 5PM)
- Pikachu Walk (Weekends, 3PM)
- Pikachu Dance (Weekends, 5PM & 7PM)
- Pikachu Meet & Greet (Weekends, 6PM)
TCG Battle Corner usage hours:
1. Mondays to Thursdays: 10am - 10pm
2. Fridays: 10am - 1pm & 5pm - 10pm
3. Saturdays & Sundays: 10am - 1pm & 7.30pm - 10pm
For complete information, visit:
Disclaimer: All contents are subject to change or cancellation.