Announcement regarding the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet version 1.0.1 update

Dear Trainers,
Thank you for playing the Pokémon series.
On Friday, November 11, we released the version 1.0.1 update for the Nintendo Switch exclusive software titles
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet.
Click here to learn how to update your game.
Version 1.0.1 (released on November 11, 2022)
Update Contents:
• Various bug fixes and adjustments have been made to make your gameplay experience more enjoyable.
• To download the version 1.0.1 update, you will need at least 1GB of free space in your system memory or on your microSD card.
Please visit this page to learn how to check your available space and manage your data.
• In order to enjoy Mystery Gifts and online play, you will need to have downloaded the latest update data.
• When using local communication, please ensure all participating players are using the same version of the software.